The Healthiest Looking Sick People (struggling with Lyme disease)

Lauren Harrison, PhD
14 min readSep 14, 2020
Photo by Erik Karits on Unsplash

When you’re healthy you don’t expect to become seriously ill. It comes as a bit of a shock. Then to be constantly told there’s nothing wrong with you — you’re healthy, go home, it’s in your head — even though you know something’s wrong and your body is literally plaguing you with symptoms, equals mind blowing frustration and hopelessness. This is how many Lyme disease sufferers feel.

I would never wish it upon anyone, however, reading about other people’s experiences with Lyme really helped me. It made me feel like I wasn’t the only one losing my mind. If you have Lyme disease and you stumble upon this, I hope it helps you as other people’s accounts helped me. It starts bad, it gets worse, but at the end there’s hope.

Here’s how it started:
For many years of my life, from the last bit of school and throughout university, I would get extreme waves of dizziness and nausea. This happened most days, but I passed it off as having dodgy sinuses, which apparently runs in my family. I was totally loving life: university, friends, boyfriend, family and I was packing in as much living and fun as possible, thus the dizziness and nausea didn’t particularly bother me. I gritted my teeth when it happened until it passed and then forgot about it. I must say, I got pretty good at walking in a straight line even though at…



Lauren Harrison, PhD

I’m a Molecular Virology PhD graduate . I am passionate about all things virus-related and helping everyone to understand them!